about me

Mindy Tran

Hi, I will soon officially be a University of Arizona Alum! These past few years of education has been a rollercoaster. I have studied a handful of different subjects and gained experience in area’s I never knew I would find interest in. During my time at the U of A, I:

  • Majored in Law,

  • had a thematic minor which consists of information science and comp sci,

  • obtained a professional technical writing certificate,

  • and finally, I had an internship in collaboration with Global Tech and Intel which helped form my excel and tableau skills.

In addition to this, I did briefly attend culinary school!

Some fun facts

  • I love staying active and trying new athletic activities in my free time. My go-to is strength training however, I have enjoyed incorporating boxing and pilates to my routine

  • I started working at my mothers nail salon at 14. When I turned 17 I worked a variety of jobs ranging from waitressing, pastry chef, barista, and managing clothing stores. I gained a lot of life experience along the way and made friends from different walks of life.

  • In my free time I like to watch foreign shows to learn about different cultures and hopefully pick up the language along the way.

  • One day, I hope to have my own at home ceramic studio as my way of unwinding after a long day of work

  • I have a cat! Her name is Thuong. There is no direct translation from Vietnamese to English but it essentially means “they way in which one loves”.